Counter-Strike  a series of computer games in the genre commanding first-person shooter based on the engine GoldSrc originally appeared as a modification of the game Half-Life.  In total the main series published five versions of the game the most popular of which - Counter-Strike 1.6.  There are separate parts such as Counter-Strike Condition Zero (multiplayer single task) and Condition Zero Deleted Scenes (game story) based on the engine GoldSource and Counter-Strike Source is based on a modern engine Source.  August 14 2011 Valve has officially presented the Counter-Strike Global Offensive which was released August 21 2012 12.

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Counter-Strike - a popular 13 multiplayer game which has support for network and singles (with bots).  Some analysts believe that the current Counter-Strike 1.6 is losing popularity as they become players more powerful PCs that support modern games with beautiful graphics and advanced physics engine 14 15.  In 2007-2008.  there has been a reverse process - strengthening the position as a CS 1.6 tournament discipline 16 17.  Many people around the world are in no hurry to leave the ranks of virtual fighters Counter-Strike.  First of all this is due to become familiar gameplay.

Genre: First-person shooter
Developers: Valve Corporation, Nexon, Turtle Rock Studios, MORE
Publishers: Valve Corporation, Nexon, Namco, MORE
Designers: James Ohlen, Minh Le, Jess Cliffe